Authentic Systems is a research and development company that focuses on human motivation and purpose.

We provide individuals with a clearer sense of meaning, purpose, and direction– critical elements for success. 

For executives knowing the answers to these pivotal questions oftentimes requires thought leadership and deep insight. This search can often be difficult to navigate without certain tools. That’s where we come in.

Authentic Systems delivers remarkable guidance to help individuals understand what drives their motivations– both mind and heart. 

With our nuanced approach, we are bringing a newfound wisdom to the corporate space that can transform careers and give employees fresh perspective in their duties.

What We Do

By employing a combination of methodologies using philosophy and psychology (what we call Authentic Systems), we deliver thought provoking insights into humanity’s drive that teach our clients to reach their highest potential and create meaningful connections with other people.

We offer:
• Life Purpose and Motivation Workshops
• Keynote Speaking
• 1 on 1 Assessments
• Team Consulting
• Sales Workshops

Experts in Direction and Purpose

Direction and purpose are two connected concepts that help individuals live a meaningful and fulfilling life.

Direction refers to having a specific goal or vision for your life, something to strive towards or work on. This could be a career goal, a personal ambition, or a desire to make a positive impact on the world.

Purpose, on the other hand, is the deeper reason behind your goals and aspirations, the underlying motivation that drives you forward. It’s the feeling of knowing that you’re living according to your values and making a difference in the world, no matter how small.

Having a sense of direction and purpose can help individuals feel more grounded and focused in their lives, giving them a greater sense of meaning and satisfaction.

Authentic Systems Offers

Latest News

In December of 2024 the third of three papers have been published in the SSRN (Social Science Research Network) about the Voris Method written by Jeremy Horne, PhD

A Framework for Personal Identity Location -A Wholistic View

49 Pages posted: 10 Dec 2024 by Jeremy Horne PhD

Identity location occurs by reductionism (such as neurocorrelation and DNA) or wholism (qualitative methods like phenomenology). Regardless, philosophy underpins finding and characterizing one’s identity. Metaphysical barriers prevent “absolute” discovery, and we are forced to bootstrap (as do logicians and mathematicians), using ontology and epistemology to support our quests. Previous articles explained the Cartesian (reductionist/quantitative) method (one being neurogeometry), so the balance is achieved here by qualitative means, exemplified by Russell W. Belk, Donald Brown, and, overall, phenomenology.


Distributed in Ethics e-Journal, Philosophy of Mind e-Journal, Social and Personality Psychology e-Journal, Psychology Research Methods e-Journal, Social Psychology e-Journal

A Framework for Personal Identity Location: The Structural Foundation of Values

39 Pages: Posted 12 Aug 2024 by Jeremy Horne PhD

Philosophers and psychologists now can join hands with neuroanatomists to solve the vexing problem of personal identity. Personal identity can be located in a person, described specifically, is stable, and is deeply structured (genetically and even mathematically). Current psychological methods lack sufficient specificity and material validation. The ethos-ethics-morality triad is shaped according to identity integrity, along with its internalization (virtue), resulting in a life theme that feeds behavior norms to the person. A person knowing these things can better manage her/his conflicts in individual and social environments. The Voris method is a paradigm identity probe.


Distributed in Cognitive Neuroscience eJournal, Ethics eJournal, Philosophy of Science eJournal, Philosophy of Mind eJournal, Psychology Research Methods eJournal

Towards Locating the Validatable Foundations of Life Themes … and how we communicate

57 Pages: Posted: 11 Jan 2024 by Jeremy Horne PhD

People wanting to know who they are and whether or why their life’s activities do not match what they feel look to “personality tests”. However, a test, with its “correct” or “incorrect” responses fail to reveal one’s core values, or ethos. Over the millennia, four valued virtue ethics systems have emerged, and one or more, a combination of them, or a synthesis of them all may be the one that accomplish the goal of the “personality “test”. This article, by settling on a paradigm case, places Authentic Systems under the microscope to see if it fulfills the central goal of identifying one’s value system that is the source of their life theme, or pattern of behavior. 


Distributed in Social Neuroscience, Neuroeconomics & Neuroanthropology eJournal, Philosophy of Mind eJournal, Social & Personality Psychology eJournal, PsychRN: Personality Processes & Individual Differences, Environmental Sociology eJournal, Social Psychology eJournal

Authentic Life Theme Assessment

Introducing an exclusive coaching package designed to help you discover your Life Purpose and your Authentic Identity. 

We all have a unique mission and reason for being on this earth, but sometimes figuring it out can be a daunting task. 

That’s where this program comes in – John Voris will guide you on a journey of self-discovery through a series of sessions that will help you gain a deeper understanding of yourself and what you were designed to do. 

Whether it’s a career change or a personal transformation, the assessment will equip you with the tools to identify your strengths, values, passions and create a clear path towards achieving your goals.

Sign up today and start your journey towards a more fulfilling life.

Schedule a Strategy Session

Do you need help creating a perfect service geared towards your career or business team? During a Strategy Session, we discuss developing solutions tailored to suit your exact needs.

Whether you want to launch a new initiative or expand an existing one, this is an ideal way to get comprehensive guidance. Schedule now to learn more about the best options for your specific requirements.

Discover the Power That Drives Your Personality

Discover the Power That Drives Your Personality

This book helps you identify and understand which of the four Life Themes is the secret catalyst behind your true motivation and life purpose.

Engaging with these profound themes leads to transformation on an individual level as well as a collective one that can change our understanding of humanity and how we are meant to work together.
Book Available on Amazon and other major book sellers

Download the ebook on “The 4 Life Theme Archetypes

Are you ready to deepen your understanding of yourself and those around you? Download the free ebook, “The Four Life Theme Archetypes”, and explore the rich history and profound insights behind these timeless symbols. 

This comprehensive guide not only elaborates on each archetype’s history but also reveals their interconnections and how they can illuminate the paths of your life and the lives of the people around you.

In this insightful ebook, you’ll embark on a journey that uncovers the stories woven into these archetypes, offers practical tools to identify your own dominant Life Theme, and helps you relate to the motivations of others.

John Voris


Founder of Authentic Systems
For decades, I have studied and read ancient and modern philosophers, as well as a wide range of psychology and metaphysical writings, both Eastern and Western. I wanted to know why some people succeeded and others failed at certain career paths even though they had the same education, background, and intelligence.

I put together a program based on my own observations and supported by my studies, wisdom, and the intelligence of hundreds of philosophers and psychologists throughout the centuries.

This approach has led to new insights by connecting old ideas together, then giving them an application to the work space.